Short Ribs (3 Ways)
Conventional Oven:
I like to start my ribs just before bedtime and put them in a 200*F oven, wrapped in foil. Whatever moisture is in the ribs themselves is all they get. The foil makes sure that doesn't escape. If you prefer not to have foil touching your food as it cooks, bake them in an oven-safe covered dish.
Leave the ribs in the oven, on 200*F overnight (8 hours or so)
Don't worry about over cooking. The low heat, like a crock pot, leaves lots of wiggle room for "when" they need to come out of the oven.
Remove the ribs from the oven, cool down and transfer to the refrigerator to "rest" at least a few hours.
An hour before serving the ribs, heat at 350*F for 40 minutes. Unwrap, baste with your favorite sauce. Turn the oven to “BROIL” and put ribs back in and broil 5 minute or until sauce is caramelized.
Crock Pot:
Season ribs with salt, or your favorite dry rub seasoning, then place them in the slow cooker. Add a cup and a half of your favorite barbecue sauce and 1 cup of water. Cook on LOW for 8 hours.
Once the ribs are falling-apart tender, carefully transfer them to a foil-lined baking sheet (use a spatula to support them to make moving them easier)
Brush with a generous amount of barbecue sauce and broil for 5 minutes or until sauce is caramelized and sticky
Instant Pot:
Season ribs with salt or your favorite dry rub.
Turn Instant Pot on “Saute” and heat Avocado Oil for 5 minutes before adding ribs. Brown ribs on all sides, then t urn Instnat Pot to “OFF”
Mix ¼ cup water, ¼ cup Soy Sauce (or Bragg;s Liquid Aminos), 1 TBSP minced garlic (or 1 tsp garlic powder), and 1 tsp ginger. Pour over ribs.
Place locking lid on Instant Pot and set it on “STEAM” for 90 minutes. Allow to depressurize 15 minutes before releasing valve and opening pot.
You can enjoy these straight out of the pot or baste with y our favorite sauce and transfer to a baking sheet to broil in the oven if you prefer a more traditional rib